Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Static Electricity

One of the best topics that we cover in Science 8-R is the topic of Electricity. In order to have the students understand the topic we first have to cover the parts of the atom with emphasis on what happens when electrons are lost and gained. It can be hard for students to remember how an object becomes positively charged so I tell them this joke (I didn't make it up, but it's a good one.) Two atoms walk into a bar, the first one says, "OOh I think I just lost an Electron. The second one says, "Are you sure?" and the first one replies, "Yes, I'm POSTITIVE." So the students recognize that anytime an object loses electrons that it will have a positive charge.

Another joke is in reference to the neutron (again I didn't make it up). A neutron orders a drink and then says to the bartender, "Hey, how much do I owe you?" and the bartender replies, "For you, NO CHARGE."

Anyone else have some good science jokes?

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